This story is dedicated to Amy and Ger, an alternative wedding story that will inspire many couples to plan their wedding their own way. The Love Story Amy and Ger met in work nearly eight years ago and they got engaged the day they moved into the house that they built. “Ger proposed to me in loo but he won’t admit that. As I scrubbed clean our new kitchen in my sports bra & leggings without a scrap of makeup Ger called Amy upstairs saying that their en-suite was leaking” “As I ran up he caught me in the door told me to close my eyes as he had something for me – I started a diet (probably that day) and I asked “is it chocolate” – it wasn’t it was my Grandmother’s engagement ring” The Wedding Venue As Ger plays with a wedding band called Jaker & Co he is at weddings every weekend. They knew they wanted something different. "Originally, we wanted to go abroad but it was too much of a headac...